Category Archives: Blog


Had surgery. The doctor was trying to discourage me from activity for a week after. I told her that would not happen. I move forward easily. She called the day after surgery to find out how I was doing. She said she went to the recovery room to see me and I had gone home already.

She was not surprised.


I have no interest in watching sporting events. I did see the movie The Champions one day. I also had Isaac over and he was interested in seeing the end of the Warrior’s game. I sat with him and realized I had watched basketball twice that day.

I liked the movie.

John Muir Trail

Isaac is going for a one-month trek with two friends. He told me he still needs to rent an ice pick. For what, I asked. He smiled and asked me if I am familiar with the amount of snow that has accumulated in the mountains. I said I was and then realized he will be climbing.

It clearly is different than the Appalachian Trail!


Went to meet my two friends for lunch. There was an ambulance in the parking lot. I saw a woman on the ground. I was afraid it was one of my friends. It was not.

We get to the age when…..


Isaac was accepted to a few colleges. He knows he wants to pursue architecture. He did tons of research, visited, and interviewed many people. He chose Oregon. It feels like the right one.

I have always wanted to visit there.


I have had many dogs in my life. Most I was able to have until they died. One I refused to keep because she tried to bite my daughter. We just had a similar situation with another dog in the family. They are very sad after over two years with him.

Difficult loss.

Passover Dessert

I made matza toffee, often referred to as crack because it is hard to stop eating. I gave it to Erik to take to his house and trusted the family would not eat it up in two days.

It worked!


On one of my five routes when I walk in the morning, I see a man with his dog. We greet each other and Parker, the dog, is always happy to see me. My daughter asked what the man’s name is. I finally asked him, indicating I had been directed to do so by my daughter.



Weather does contribute to our emotions, i.e. Seasonal Affective Disorder. The other day it vacillated from light rain to sun, to grayness, and to intense rain all day long. I suspect many were all over the place.

The sun is out today. Yeah!

Time For Change

Walked in a raincoat with the hood up again today. We have had a great deal of rain. I know winter is more intense in other areas of the country, but I have acclimated to California.

The rain can stop now.