Category Archives: Blog

Pay It Forward

I wrote before about needing to change planes to get to LA.  I was put on standby on one plane and has a reservation on a second one.

I went to the gate for the standby and told the agent I was aware there were people ahead of me, but I was needing to get to LA to accompany my daughter for outpatient surgery that day.  He indicated his obligation to take people in order.

I walked away to charge my phone.  A woman came up to me and told me she overheard my story to the agent.  She said she told him to give me her ticket if her name was called.  “Your need is much greater than mine,” she said.  I got teary and thanked her.

Just then, she told me her name had been called.  As I approached the counter, the agent said, “Natalie?”  He knew about the change.  I got the ticket.

As I was getting on the plane, the woman again came up to me and said her name had been called to.  I was relieved.

In light of the political nature of this country right now, having genuinely caring people is a timely balance to many attitudes.

A True Help

I was flying to LA to see my daughter Julie.  She was having outpatient surgery at noon and I was to accompany her.  My flight was at 6 am.  Once we were on the plane, the flight was cancelled for technical problems.  I got in line to reschedule and I called Delta.  I discovered the only possibility was to fly after Julie was in surgery.

Before I actually made a commitment, a Delta worker in a red jacket asked if he could help me.  I told him my story and indicated there were two Southwest flights I could take.  He told me there is no reciprocity with Southwest.  I expressed my disappointment.  He then suggested he walk me to Southwest to see if I could get on one of the flights.

He actually walked me to a Southwest gate and told my story to the agent.  I decided to pay for the ticket as my priority was to get there.  He told me he was going back to the Delta gate to cancel my flight to LA and assure I would be able to return on my arranged flight with Delta.  He also said he was giving me a credit of $100 on Delta. He said when I finished with Southwest, I should get the documents from him.

He walked away and the Southwest agent said, “Did he really walk you over here to help you?”  I indicated he had and she said, “I have never had another agent do that.  He is a really nice guy.”

I agree.  Thanks, Velter.


Until I moved to California six years ago, I always had two dogs.  Where we are renting, we are not allowed to have any pets.

I had a dream that three different people had each found a dog that needed a home and brought the dog to me.  Now I had three dogs I was not allowed to have.  I jolted awake as I panicked in my dream about how to place the dogs elsewhere.  I truly wanted all three of them.

My neighbor has a service dog.  People have encouraged me to apply for a service dog designation.  This would mean my landlord would have to let me have the dog.

I don’t need a service dog.  It would be unethical to proceed.

My loss.

Exercise Bonus

I go to the gym three mornings a week.  I treadmill, bike, use machines for my arms, sit ups, and stretching.  I am determined to keep my body strong and healthy.

I went to San Francisco with some friends one night.  We parked the car and had to walk up (truly up) two blocks.  I did so and stopped at the first corner for a red light.  I realized my friends were not with me.  They were halfway down the block.  I waited and we all began the second block.  Same experience: I arrived at the light and they were far behind me.  I waited and we entered the hotel we were going to.

Later, a friend who knows us all, came up to me and said, “So I hear you were the only one who could walk here easily.  I guess exercise had paid off.”  Clearly my friends had said something to her.  It caught my attention.  I had truly not struggled at all walking up those streets.

Back to the gym.

Ask a Question

A seventeen-year-old client of mine told me she was very upset with her father.  He had picked her up at dance class and when she got into the car, he said, “Oh, in one of your fowl moods again.”

She has been going through some mood swings lately, but not atypical for her age.  She admitted that she was feeling a bit down after dance class.

I asked her what she would have preferred when she got into the car.  She said, “It would have been nice if he had said, ‘How are you doing?’ I am very bothered by him commenting on my down feelings as though I am doing something wrong.”

A worthwhile awareness and important insight for many people.


I was working and the doorbell rang.  I went to the door and a boy around three-years-old was on the porch.  A man on the sidewalk said to him, “Hurry and come to me.”  I thought the boy had just playfully rung my doorbell.  As he walked down the steps, I began to close the door.  As I did, the man said, “No.  There are flowers there.”  I opened the screen door and notice a bouquet.  I thanked him, took the flowers and went inside.

That was why the boy had rung the bell.

The flowers were from my daughter wishing me a wonderful entry into a new phase of my life.

It is so meaningful to have loving people in my life.

Free Labor

Isaac and Ari came over the other day with Mom and Dad to help do some things around the house.  I asked them to wash my car.  They have done this before, but not for a long time.

I was informed that, should I choose to do so, they would detail the car.  Did I have a portable vacuum?  Yes.  I reflected on it, and decided the car was in good shape in the interior and I did not need to have them do it.

They arranged the hose, got the bucket with soap and water, and used two towels.  They dampened the car, put on the soap, and rinsed it.  They put the hose away.

They did a great job on the outside and I look forward to a future use of their time!

New Furniture

I ordered two pieces, one for the living room and one for my office.  I paid to have then assembled.  The man came to do so and chose to begin with the unit in my office.  I had been told that it would take 2 ½ hours to do both units.

After three hours, he told me he was done, but, since he had gone over the arranged time, would need to return the next day to do the second piece.

We went to look at the one he had completed, and I asked him to move it two inches.  As he did, it collapsed.  He told me to order a new unit from the company.

The next day I looked at the piece and easily identified where he had made major mistakes.  I canceled having him assemble the other item.  The company is sending out a new piece of furniture and offered me a discount.

My dear son Erik assembled the piece in the living room.  It is beautiful and still standing after two days.  Kudos!

Fun With Carrie

I was given a gift certificate to a nail salon.  Carrie and I were going to the theater and decided to precede that by getting manicures and pedicures.  I am the sharing mother.

We were having the pedicures and discovered we had different wants.  I wanted no polish on my toes and Carrie wanted none on her hands.  In the midst of having our pedicures, Carrie said, “I am winning this round.”  I realized her pedicure was going to be finished before mine.  I said, “I did not know we were having a competition.  I am not competitive.”

We then had our manicures.  I finished first and said, “I won.”

I lied about being competitive.  With my own daughter, oh, my.

Keep in mind, Carrie you suggested these blogs.


I grew up in Detroit, the motor city.  I drove on the expressways (that’s what they are called in Michigan).  I am accustomed to delays and backups.  I discovered I am more patient in driving situations than many people.  I credit my history for that.  Yes, I suspect there is a personality feature too.

I drove to San Francisco on Saturday to see Ari play the clarinet at a concert. I was returning home at 3:15 pm.  The time the drive takes is totally based on traffic. The drive typically takes about 45 minutes.  Most would not expect a major delay on a Saturday afternoon.  However, it was bumper-to-bumper, many times at a complete stop.

Having Bluetooth, I called my friend in Alabama.  We talked, and at one point I told Francine we had been on the phone for 31 minutes and I had moved ¼ of a mile.

The drive took 1 hour and 55 minutes.  I cherish going to see my family.