Category Archives: Blog


Went to Ari’s clarinet concert.  There were seven of us.  Afterward, we went for yogurt.  There was a good deal of testing.  Interesting flavors.  Not for me; I am always a blend of chocolate and vanilla.  And then there are the toppings.  For me, chocolate/peanut butter chunks and toffee mix.  And, of course, hot fudge and hot caramel.  We all sat down to eat and I noticed Erik’s dish.  It had no toppings.  I asked him and he said the yogurt is so tasty, he doesn’t like to cover the flavor.

Is that legal?

Good Choice

I recently had to select an attorney.  I was given names of people to talk to.  One I could not reach.  One did not practice in the area I was seeking.  Others were very far away.  I thought about a man who is in one of my business groups who I really like and respect.  I decided to contact him.  He always calls me Dr.Gelman, whereas everyone else calls me Natalie.  I have pointed that out to him, but he continues which reflects his humor.  I was at his office looking over some documents I had brought to him.  He flipped through them (truly flipped), and said, “Natalie, this is not a problem.”  I said, “You just called me Natalie.”  He said, “You are in my office now.”

I picked the right attorney.  Humor matters.

Less than Ideal Aging

I adore my mother-in-law. She is 101 years-old and she is in Michigan.  I miss her.  I spoke to her recently and she was taking a new medication. She was not totally herself.  My son visited her was on a visit to Michigan and he went to see her.  He said it was a good visit.  The medication is strong, but she was the grandma he knows her to be.  He discovered from her son that she is being given the medication because she is inappropriate with the staff and other residents.  That type of behavior is totally antithetical to who I have always known her to be.

We never know how we will become.


I started reading the paper while I was eating lunch and dinner.  I watch the national news every evening.  I watch 60 Minutes.  I watch Bill Maher.  I listen to NPR when I am in the car.  I keep up with world events.  I found myself responding to the news with uncomfortable feelings.  Too much.

I gave up reading the paper.  I listen to music now when I eat.


The good news is that we have had a lot of rain this winter.  The bad news is that we are getting tired of it and are ready to see the sun.  The forecast was for a clear day today.  I went to the gym in the dark.  I came out to a slight mist. I met a friend for breakfast and we walked out of the restaurant to a rainstorm.

Another hair drying day.  Onward.


I was at a board meeting the other night.  We were getting together to consider making some changes to the group we represent.  There were seven of us sitting around a table.  One person said, “Anyone against the fundraiser is dumb.”

I said, “I am against the fundraiser and I am not dumb. I don’t appreciate being labelled.”

I respect his opinion.  That’s why we have meetings to discuss things.

A Fun Memory

My daughter Carrie decided to involved my grandsons, her nephews, on an adventure similar to one she had as a child.  When Carrie was 14, our family was on a vacation in California and we were driving up the coast to SF.  We got to Carmel later than we had anticipated and it was past dinner time.  I suggested that, instead of having a late meal, we would have dessert for dinner; junk food only.  And, so we did, and it was so much fun.

Carrie arranged a junk food meal for Isaac and Ari.  They loved it.

She is a fabulous aunt.

Seeing California

There are many areas I have not seen.  I want to, but I am not inclined to drive two or three hours and determine what I want to accomplish while there.  I noticed recently that there is a trip planned to Fort Bragg and Mendocino for two days.  All the accommodations are arranged.  I decided to go.  It is an area I have wanted to visit.

I am asking no one to accompany me.  My own adventure.

At the Gym

I have been going to the same gym, a large one, for 18 months.  I go the same three days of the week at the same time.  There are three people I know from other venues who I see there once in a while.  However, there are some I see regularly who I do not know.  When I am on the treadmill, I look around (not plugged in, am I) and I take attendance.  I notice the same few people on treadmills, one on a bike, and another who is always stretching on the mats.  Others I note moving from one location to another.

I wonder if they do the same?

Such Good Feelings

My birthday was in January.  I have never felt that it needed to be recognized or celebrated; it is another day.

This year I was asked to lunch and dinner by friends, invited to brunch by my family, and given a plant and a bouquet of flowers.  At two events, birthday cakes were very chocolatey.  People who know me well.

Most importantly, thanks for being on my life.  That matters the most.