Category Archives: Blog


Julie now has Harold, her rescue puppy. He has acclimated to life with her as though he has been there his whole life. He will be two soon, based on her estimate. He goes for walks and loves the other dogs and cats that he sees on his ventures. But he is very attracted to the squirrels in the trees. He has decided he wants to climb the tree and play. There is a video of him trying to jump as high as he can.

Ongoing frustration.


I miss fall in the Midwest. I loved the change of color with the trees. As I walked this morning, I was aware of the amount of leaves on the sidewalk. At that time of morning, the sound of stepping on dry leaves was very noticeable. As the sun rose, I became very aware of the colors of the leaves. There was brown, red, yellow and orange. Until I started walking, I was less aware of the color change.

I felt closer to home.


I am referring to the stock market type. There is someone I am very invested in who has started investing himself. Isaac decided to study the market and has begun buying stock. I have not been investing for a while, waiting for the anticipated drop. But listening to Isaac describe his study, I am changing my mind. My financial advisor will be happy.


A New Meeting Place

I have been seeing clients in my backyard during the Pandemic. Some are still by phone, but others prefer to be seen. It has gotten chillier and we are entering rain season, a welcome time in California. And so, we are now meeting in the garage with the garage door open. I have a space heater when needed. No, I am not wallpapering the garage. And yes, the car is in the driveway.


Welcome, Harold

We have a new family member. Julie and Harold found each other through a rescue. He is adorable and loving and smart. Julie decided to name him after my father, a man she adored. The fact that they came together is based on spontaneous behaviors of everyone involved. Erik, Ellen, Isaac, and Ari will meet him first as they join Julie for Thanksgiving. We will, no doubt, Zoom.

We are a dog family.


I was invited to have lunch with Ari and Isaac at their home while Mommy and Daddy were away. Isaac sent me an email that morning suggesting a time and checking out the menu. I said both were fine. When I arrived, Isaac said he was prepping. He was cutting vegetables to mix with scrambled eggs. Ari took the bread I had brought and sliced it. He placed it in the toaster oven and, once toasted, added butter and warmed it a bit more. We took 45 minutes to eat and we talked. Then we went to clean up and Ari told me he would do the dishes and I did not need to help. I did clean the stove. Isaac emptied the dishwasher. Trash was collected from around the house and taken to the bins outside. Ari played piano for me. Isaac shared some school projects, and then we played Boggle. I was there for 2½ hours.

Yes, this is a record for me to stay somewhere. Can you guess why?

Not Fair

My pepper mill broke. My blood pressure kit malfunctioned. My vacuum cleaner stopped working. My electric toothbrush stopped charging. One of the three blinds in my living room stopped retracting.

You see what I mean.

Emotional Overload

It started with the pandemic. Sheltered in place. Schools closed. Virtual work and school. Then events occurred that prompted national demonstrations and protests about racial injustice. Then the wildfires. Air quality changed, sometimes leading to people not leaving their homes. Then the temps soared over 90. Then the presidential election wound up. Then Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. Then the president contracted the virus.

Feeling anything yet?

Birthday Cake

During the pandemic, I had made a lemon Bundt cake, anticipating when we would finally be able to celebrate Isaac and Ari’s summer birthdays. It freezes well When I had everyone over for Carrie and Erik’s birthday, I suggested also celebrating the boys’ birthdays. I thought I would use the cake. Then Ellen asked if she could bring the traditional cake that is made for Erik’s birthday. I agreed.

The lemon cake remains. Party anyone?

High Anxiety

This is not a common feeling for me. However, my driver’s license is up for renewal and I have to take the written test. Four college degrees and I am worried about taking this test. No, I have never failed. Anxiety is not always rational. Then I heard the DMV is passing on tests because they don’t want people touching the computers. I decided to go asap, hoping this is still in effect.

Anticipating relaxation. And, yes, I have studied.