A friend in Detroit reported that her basement was flooded and most items stored there were ruined. Much of the city was flooded. I told her I would love to have some of that water in California.
Extremes in both locations.
A friend in Detroit reported that her basement was flooded and most items stored there were ruined. Much of the city was flooded. I told her I would love to have some of that water in California.
Extremes in both locations.
Vaccinated clients were able to come into my office again. It was warm and touching to have them express their comfort at returning. It means a lot to me to know that they identify this space as a place they looked forward to being in again.
It feels good.
I have flower pots on my front porch and back yard. They are important to me. I love the flowers, the color, and the growth of something I have contributed to. I water them, I prune them, I rotate them, I transfer them to larger pots. We are entering the drought time of year again. We are being asked to use 15% less water.
I have choices to make.
I have stopped watching a couple of television shows. I have become even more selective in the movies I choose to watch. I am tired of much of the news. Last night, on the national news, the anchor said there had been three shootings in seven minutes and they were unable to report on them all. A relief for me. I am tired of the violence, the politics, the pandemic. I just watched a young adult love story.
We are getting together to celebrate Ari’s 13th birthday. His Bar Mitzvah is in August, delayed because of the pandemic. I wanted to make a cake. I decided to make one of my long-term favorites. I decided to top it with a chocolate glaze. Then I contemplated adding caramel since chocolate and caramel are the two passions Ari and Isaac and I share. Then I vacillated. It got closer to leaving for their house.
There will be three people with their passion fulfilled tonight.
My grandpuppy came with his family for dinner and was in my house for the first time. He made himself at home. He jumped on the sofa, looked outside the window, and explored the rooms. He ate his dinner. He played a bit and was very comfortable. During dinner he stayed under the table, seeking scraps, I suspect. I am so happy he felt comfortable.
Every time the family comes over, one of the dining room chairs is turned backwards when they leave. This time I caught Ari doing it. He turned it around. When they were leaving, I told Erik I had caught Ari, although I know it is Erik who usually does it. I think I know. Anyway, they left and the next morning I realized one of the chairs in the living room was turned around.
I bet they are still enjoying themselves.
In April, a man by the name of Adam Grant had an article in the New York Times. This is the word he said applied to our emotional state during the pandemic. Look up the definition. This is a word to expand our vocabulary to describe our emotions. How growthful. A new experience in our lives and a new word to describe it.
Everyone is ready to get back to the old words.
When Isaac was offered a job he had applied for, he told me he needed more information before deciding. He wanted to know the specific locations in the city that he could be assigned to. They were unable to provide that data. He had also heard that the camp dropped staff when campers lessened. He did not want a temporary position. I told him it sounded like he was not feeling secure about this job and I suggested he pay attention to his intuition or gut feeling about it. I have found we are usually correct in our judgment.
He said he appreciated the thought.
I believe this story exemplifies my ability to keep maturing. No, I am not inviting your opinion. My friends are coming for dinner Saturday. We have not done this for 13 months. My table has two large leaves. I have always managed, with stress, to pull the table apart and insert the leaves. This year I asked a friend, one who will be a guest that evening, to help me with the leaves during the day. He agreed.
I am relieved of the thought I might be unsuccessful.