Category Archives: Blog


Was at a group of activities in San Francisco recently. Because of the increase of Covid cases, everyone was asked to present their vaccine card, driver’s license and had their temperature taken at every entry point. We had to keep our masks on except when eating.

No one minded.


Ari’s long-term friends are called the SMART group. They are Sebastian, Martin, Ari, Royal, and Theo. They have been friends at school, soccer, and baseball. Their parents have become friends too. Watching the boys together is awesome. I wish all children had relationships like this in their lives.


Change Is Good

Lost weight over the pandemic by design. Stabilized for months. Suddenly two pounds appeared. I remember learning years ago that one must eventually increase exercise to keep weight off. After eighteen months, I added two blocks to each day’s walk.


Lunch Invitation

Dear friends invited me to go to Napa for lunch. They have a favorite restaurant there. They invited close friends of mine who live in Napa to join us. I had to clear my schedule from 10:15 AM to 2:30 PM for this excursion. The drive was pleasant conversing, the food was good, and seeing Scott and Robin was wonderful.

Too much time for lunch for me.


I talked to Isaac on the phone and while we were talking, I could hear squeaking in the background. Pippin was playing with his cookie toy. Later in the day I spoke with Julie and there was squeaking in the background, It was Harold playing with his cookie toy.

Cousins with the same preoccupation.


Did my morning walk today. The leaves are on the sidewalk. There is white netting hanging from some fences. Tombstones have been placed in the grass. Pumpkins are on the porches. Ghosts are hanging from trees.

It must be fall.


Someone from my past is deteriorating from Alzheimer’s quickly. We have no contact anymore. No matter what the nature of the relationship was, it is difficult to know this is how life can be.

Reality can be painful.


Two friends came for dinner the other night. One had talked about wanting pizza and I offered to make her one. They came with a magnificent bouquet of flowers. It was delightful to be able to entertain people again.

And so we move on.


Isaac called to invite me over for dinner one night when he was by himself. Unfortunately, I am going to visit Jules in Santa Monica.

Need I say more?

Birthday Cake, Again

I was asked to bake a cake for Isaac’s birthday. I told Carrie I was at a loss for an idea. I listed all of the ones I have made recently. She suggested a banana cake with caramel frosting. Julie said I needed to add chocolate chips to the batter. I realized I needed to buy the bananas soon because the party was in five days. I decided to walk to the market close to me; I never shop there.

Three bananas are now available in my home.