Category Archives: Blog


I had not received my order for a month. I tried to file a dispute online. I was given a number to call. I did. I spoke to four people over the course of one hour. I was eventually told they were pursuing it and the woman read me the plan which took two minutes. It may go through without controversy.

Not convenient.


We have been experiencing a drought in California. We have had innumerable wildfires. Lots of property lost. Last weekend we had a plethora of rain. Great news? One would hope. The good news was water and snow. The bad news was mudslides, flooding, and closed roads.

Tough times.


I awakened during the night and heard it. It was raining. We so desperately need rain in California. I checked the weather and discovered there are four more days this week with the possibility of rain.

Much appreciated.

Too Much

The Netflix series Killing Eve was recommended by a few people. I received the first disc and started to watch it, not looking to see how many episodes were on the disc before I began. After the fourth episode, I didn’t want to watch it anymore. I believe it was an advantage to those who viewed one episode a week.

I removed the disc and canceled subsequent ones.


The Fleet was here. That refers to the Blue Angels. I hear and may see them leaving or landing at the Oakland Airport. I saw them doing their performance as I drove to San Francisco. I focus on how much is costs for them to perform. It is millions of dollars.

I think about the homeless on the streets.

A Meal Prepared

I spent a couple of nights with Isaac and Ari. I requested that Ari prepare the meal one night as he is very talented. He made chicken, carrots and couscous. It was his own recipe. It was delicious.

Hopefully, this will happen more often!

Once Again

It was wonderful to go to the SFMOMA again. I took Isaac and Ari and we had a wonderful time exploring the art. Isaac showed us a display he had seen with a group from school. We had lunch after.

Such a nice day with them.


Isaac went on a 70-mile bike ride with two friends. I went over for lunch a few days later and the food was on the table for us to help ourselves. I noted that Isaac kept going back to the table.

I was happy.


I went shopping today, in September, at one of the large stores I frequent. I went to the produce department and found no green beans. I found a worker from the store and asked him if they had the product. He responded, “It is nearing the holiday season.”

Clearly, he had no information.


I went to a business group meeting at a restaurant. When I walked in, there was a table set up for eight of us and one member was already there. I sat down next to him. He asked me how I was doing and I said I was irritated. He asked me to change seats.

I did not.