Category Archives: Blog


Take pills. Not painkillers. Exercise. Ice. Heating pad. Hot shower. Stop lengthy walks. Consult with a doctor. Stop talking about it with friends and family. It bores people. Too much stuff going on in the world to add more down news too. Be strong. Be optimistic.

It will pass.


Over a holiday weekend with no plans, I caught up on movies. Some I had recorded and others were on Netflix or Prime. I spent the time with Kevin Costner, Casey Affleck, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Robert Downey, Jr., and Mark Wahlberg.

Good company.


I am introduced to back pain. My plan was to meet my friend for lunch, but after a week of discomfort, I realized that walking is likely contributing to my discomfort. My friend, a dear person, suggested coming to my home and bringing lunch. I value her suggestion. I told her I have my lunch, but she can bring hers.

I look forward to seeing her.

Great Present

We picked names at Thanksgiving for a gift exchange for the family. We always do this. When we met to open our presents, it was Ari’s turn to give his gift. He walked up to me. I said out loud, “I sure hope you made this.” Ari is a great cook and baker. I opened it, and it was caramel-filled brownies. He knows my two favorites are caramel and chocolate.

I am fortunate he got my name!

Growing Up

Isaac and Ari slept over for the first time in almost two years. I noticed they had brought their own toothbrushes and toothpaste. I have always had both here for them. I realized this had changed for them as they got older. I contemplated keeping the toothbrushes in the bathroom so I could have a cue to remember their overnights when they were younger. Then I chose to throw the toothbrushes out.

Attention to now and the future, not the past.

Who He Is

Isaac passed his driving test and got his license. I was so excited for him as I remembered the sense of freedom I felt when I got mine. Erik told me about Isaac during a phone call and said that at that moment, Isaac had gone for a long bike ride.

Classic Isaac.


It is raining today. It rained yesterday. It will be raining for three more days. We are in a drought. Rain is a very good thing. The rain was too intense for me to go for my morning mile walk.


Ongoing Themes

I went to see the play Rent and the movie West Side Story on the same day. It served as a reminder of how some things fail to change with time. I have always chosen to remain more optimistic about people.


Thanksgiving Again

Since I moved to California ten years ago, the whole family has come to my home for Thanksgiving. We did not do so last year because of the pandemic. And so, once again I am in my obsessive planning mode of when to get the turkey, the green beans, and the apple pies. Timing and storage are issues.

Costco had better have all three the Monday before the holiday.

Missing Them

My friends Robin and Scott live in Napa. We were getting together with other friends for dinner monthly until the pandemic. I went to Napa once for lunch and saw them. It had been too long for me. I spontaneously called and asked them to come for dinner. They did.

It was worth it.