Category Archives: Blog

Cleaning The Temple

Each year I participate in cleaning Temple Israel before the high holidays. When I finished my job, I was sitting with some people and a very large vase was brought over with a query about where it should be put. I suggested sitting it on the floor in the middle of the social hall. And so, someone put it there.

I like to play with people’s minds.

Treasured Time

Isaac shared his photos with me from his journey to the Outward Bound experience in Colorado. It was incredible to see the beauty and challenges he was exposed to and fully enjoyed. It was more incredible to sit with him and share it.

I am a fortunate nana.

Eating Out

In one week, I had a breakfast meeting and lunches with friends on three different days. Ironically, all were going to be at the same restaurant. I called one friend and asked that we go elsewhere. The other lunches involved larger groups of people. We did change restaurants. The change ended up costing too much for what we got.

Oh, well.

Catching Up

Erik, Ellen and Ari came for dinner.  I valued hearing about Ellen’s journey to Georgia and southern California.  And Ari showed me pictures of his Quest trip.  We had already talked about it.  I am so happy they were able to go away and gain from their journeys.




Carrie’s friend Sherry came for a visit from Oregon.  They have been friends since high school.  Carrie told me about the places they went in San Francisco, the meals they ate and their conversations.  The whole disclosure was filled with the amount of enjoyment she felt, the amount she laughed, and the joy of being together.

So meaningful.


Was thrilled to be with my friends for dinner.  I became aware that our conversation was all about problems in the world and our own issues.  I asked if we could be more positive in our further discussion.  They agreed.

It turned out not to be easy.

No Vacations

As I left the house, Isaac asked me if I had any vacations planned for the remainder of the summer, I said no. When I got in my car, I reflected on how much my lifestyle has changed since the pandemic. I always traveled. However, with the airlines unreliable now, I choose to not be stuck in a city due to a cancellation.

Life has changed.


Harold, my three-year-old grandpuppy, came for a visit. One night he slept under the bed as there were fireworks from the stadium. Then there were fireworks a block away. The next night they were at the stadium again. He slept in the closet.

It’s not even July 4th yet. Does anyone care about the animals?


I am writing 200 postcards to another state to encourage people to vote in November. It beats feeling helpless or apprehensive about the election. The problem is writing so much. I hope people can read my handwriting.

I tried.


I went to an event on a ship that was going to be sailing for the evening. I do not stay at events, but I knew there was no exit until we returned to port. Fortunately, I sat next to a person I had never met before and we engaged in conversation the whole evening. Thanks, David.

People do matter.