Category Archives: Blog


It is the end of May and it has typically been warmer. I am wearing sweaters, using a blanket, and usually have a jacket. People are complaining.

Climate change


I had a manicure In Santa Monica. Decided to continue doing my nails myself. Historically, I threw out all of the polishes I had. Shopped for polish. Was shocked at the prices. Went to a new “very thrifty” store. Found affordable polish.

Cost contributes to my decisions.


Carrie had the day off of work for Passover. She and I went out for lunch to a place Julie favors. She insisted we order pancakes. We did, with an omelet.

Is there something out of sync with the holiday?


I flew Southwest to LA. The airline advocates humor for its crew. The person in the cockpit was a riot when he gave his speech welcoming us on the flight. I asked the flight attendant to thank him. She said I would have to do it myself.

I guess she has heard him a few times.


I spent the weekend at Julie’s with Carrie and Ari. Ari would open a door and hold it while the three women walked through. He also waited while we took seats in a theater. It has been a long time since I have been around a male who behaves this way.

It was nice.


Judy told me she was unable to get the top off of a large container of Tide. She was seeking help. I told her about my problems with Talenti sorbet (a prior blog of mine) as well as a jar of spaghetti sauce. She was so relieved that I had problems too. Why don’t we talk about these things, she asked?

We got a laugh out of it.

Attired How?

Phyllis and I were talking about going to see Jordan star in a play at USC. Twenty-two of us are flying into LA for the event. Phyllis, coming from Michigan, asked me if people would be dressing up for the show. She said she does not own a dress. I asked her if she owned Levis. She said she did and I told her she needed to buy nothing.

California reality.


Ari went to visit Isaac in Eugene. There had been a problem at SF airport with two United planes touching wings at their gates. Erik told me Ari’s plane, United, was delayed. I called him at the airport. I told him what happened earlier in the day. As we spoke his flight was delayed until 10:30 PM.

He said, “I guess I will see Isaac tomorrow.”