
Isaac was home on break. We went out for lunch together. He ordered a dinner Bento box, I ordered a lunch size one. He ate all of his; I took half of mine home.

A growing and active young man.


Walked a mile. Went to Walmart, Costco, Paganos, put purchases away, then Kohls and the library. All by 10:15 AM.

Now to see clients.

Good Choice

I invited Ari and Ember for lunch. I decided to prepare a salad. I asked Ari if Ember had any limitations or preferences for foods. He said she is a vegetarian.

Lucky I asked.


I was walking with Susan one morning and she noticed a purple tree that she found very attractive. I told her I find it wonderful that she is able to look up and notice things. Since I fell, I only look at the sidewalk.

Limited awareness.


I roasted asparagus today. I put it into a mixture of olive oil and salt and pepper. In the past, after placing it on the baking sheet, I sprinkle parmesan cheese over it. I decided to do it differently this time and did not use the cheese.

I shall see.


I made chocolate chip cookies to send to Isaac at college. When I mailed them today at the post office, I asked them to label the box fragile.

They did.


I am tired of the rain. In light of the drought in California, we are thought to be pleased with the rain. Two weeks in a row is too much.

My thought.


I went by myself walking today once it was lighter outside. I was anxious about doing so again after my fall a month ago. I walked a shorter distance.

I was proud of myself for challenging my anxiety.


Many of my clients are concerned about their stress level. I find that their work environment contributes the most to this feeling. So many people feel overwhelmed or unhappy at work.

Change is not easy.