Author Archives: Natalie Gelman

Such Good Feelings

My birthday was in January.  I have never felt that it needed to be recognized or celebrated; it is another day.

This year I was asked to lunch and dinner by friends, invited to brunch by my family, and given a plant and a bouquet of flowers.  At two events, birthday cakes were very chocolatey.  People who know me well.

Most importantly, thanks for being on my life.  That matters the most.

Enhanced Education

Erik has worked for years to create new programs for the San Francisco public schools.  Last  week one of the hotels in the city gave him space to introduce these programs to interested students, parents, educators or others.  What a treat.  Each program had students who told about their program and answered questions.  Faculty was available.  In SF, students apply to the high school they want to go to, so what programs are available and where they are is pertinent information.

My grandson Isaac just applied.  I wish him the best.

Blood Moon

I had lunch with a woman who informed me the Blood Wolf Moon was going to be visible at 8:30 pm that night.  I typically forget these events, and I decided I would see this one.  The time was right.  That means I would still be up!

I looked outside and could not see the moon.  I went outside and could not see the moon.  I checked again at 9 pm and could not see the moon.

At breakfast this morning, my friend asked me if I had seen it as she praised its beauty.  I told her what I had done and that I had not seen it.  She saw it at 11:30 pm.  I was asleep.

I missed it again.

Time Alone

I was asked to participate in two events on a Saturday.  They were the same day as the Women’s March, so I declined.  Attending marches has been my priority, going back to Washington, DC years ago.

Three days before the March, I was reflecting on my commitments, which I accept full responsibility for.  Work, meetings, mixers, lunches.  I decided I wanted a day for myself.  I informed my friends I would not be joining them for the March.

I spent Saturday by myself.  It was worth it.


I was on the computer a bit before going to the gym.  When I returned, I was unable to get it to work.  I pressed the button, nothing happened.  I tried again.  Nothing.  I called my IT guy and left a message.  I got the receipts and box for my computer because it is two years old and still insured.  I was separated from the world, or so it felt.  I needed to cancel a lunch date to take my computer in.  I plugged in my cell phone to access whatever I could that I know how to do.  I brought a book in to read since I lost access to my games.

I called Julie, as I usually do in the morning.  She said the computer had likely gone to sleep.  She told me what to do, and I followed her directions.  It worked!!  She said, “Now to know what to do next time.”  I said, “Assuming I remember.”  She said, “Call me.”

That I will remember.

About Me

I found this accurate post:

Left-handers are wired into the artistic half of the brain, which makes them imaginative, creative, surprising, ambiguous, exasperating, stubborn, emotional, witty, obsessive, infuriating, delightful, original, but never, never dull.

I own all of the above.

Since I only write and eat left-handed and do everything else (scissors, blackboard writing, bowling, pitching, etc.) right-handed, I am ambidextrous.  More adjectives are due me.


Took a trip with my daughter Julie.  Went to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico.  The choice was an all-inclusive so that we had minimal decisions to make.

When Julie returned from a journey recently to Arizona, she brought me a gift of small containers of spicy condiments.  She knows my taste, or lack of it.

The first night we went to the Mexican restaurant.  The food was bland.  Very disappointing.  It turned out most of the meals were less than tasty.  We ate out at a place we discovered 26 years earlier on a trip there, and it was excellent.

We did relax.  The time was wonderful, particularly with her.  I would do it again.

Giving Recognition

I was on a return flight from Los Angeles.  There was a boy around two years old seated across from me.  During the flight, one of the adults sitting next to him talked to the woman behind me.  It was evident they were traveling together.  Near the end of the trip, the boy referred to this woman as Mommy.  The whole journey, Andrew (I learned his name) stayed in his seat, spoke softly, played, munched and drank.

When I was getting off of the plane, I said to the mother, “Great job raising him.”  She smiled and said, “You don’t know how meaningful it is to hear a comment like that.”

But, I do.  We complain when children are too noticeable on our flights, but we do not compliment when they are a pleasure.

Positive regard.  I encourage it.


I was at a business meeting the other day, and we were reviewing a fundraiser we had done.  I noticed that the term “older women” was used often to describe many of the people who had been very helpful and contributory to the fundraiser.  After I heard the term a few times, I made a comment, noting that the age bracket was not necessary to stipulate in this context.

I know, you are shocked that I said anything.


When I had surgery recently, the assistant to the anesthesiologist came into the room to ask me questions.  We finished, and then she wheeled me into the operating room.  When we entered, the anesthesiologist introduced herself.  I commented on my pleasure that both were women.  They did not respond.

I appreciate that these women achieved what they did.  I hope they do too.